Life is Messy

The other day I forgot my wordpress password and did the whole forgotten password dance we all do. Lets face it, I do that dance very single time I log in anywhere ever and the only reason I let any website stay open on my iPad or computer is so I won’t have to remember…

Someone needs to teach me how to after Christmas.  I get in a mood to take down my tree the day after. It takes me a couple hours of packing each ornament into a box labeled with each kids name. We have found this is the easiest way to do this and although it’s time…

Hope for Healing

Here is what’s important to know -my husband knows all that I’m about to say. He’s well aware and a ok with it. Now with that out of the way I’ll continue.  Love is strange. In my life I can say I’ve been in love twice and both items were very different. I’ve had lots…

Curly hair, Do care

Once in high school I had a guy think it was funny to ask why I had pubic hair on my head. Everyone laughed including my friends. I was 14. I was no longer friends with the ones that laughed. Once I had a guy tell me we couldn’t continue to see me because, “girls…

Why (ALMOST) everything is an MLM

I work for a multilevel marketing company. (Screams in distance, horrifying shrieks of terror, people scattering in every single direction) and even if you own your own company you also work for an MLM company.

Unanswered Prayers

Once Upon A Time…. Beginning in second grade I was a devoted wanna be girlfriend of what I thought was the hottest guy in class. I attended a small, quaint school where a large class size was twenty two students and the whole school was well under two hundred students. The teachers were actually great…

I wasn’t ready

Have you ever thought you were ready for something so completely only to have that ideal experience dashed to bits?   Dealing with self worth and the after effects of surgery right now is getting in my head. First of all let me state this isn’t a new emotion for me. I’ve struggled with self…

Chaos in the bathtub. 

Potty training trouble,
Bacteria everywhere, a mom losing her ever loving mind, must be throwback Thursday.

Time to cut the fat

I’ve made this huge choice to have a surgery that terrifies me to the core. This is something I’ve wanted since I was 21 and pregnant and discovered that I didn’t have a cute pregnant tummy. I had skin without much elasticity. I would see pregnant women showing their bellies in ads and at the…

It’s my Act-Scent 

  Once upon a time…. Once while on vacation on a southern barrier island we found ourselves in that comfortable lull of conversation with another vacationing family. We are a family of five and the family had two boys and we were enjoying watching our kids all interact and play. There are many personality differences…